Merrybellies Belly Dance
Belly Dance & Henna Parties for Girls
Delight your daughter with a belly dance party
Experienced with these party themes: Mermaids, Princesses, Pixies, Fairies... and flexible/open to any theme.
Dance portion of party includes fun games and a good introduction to basics of belly dancing for children.
Girls of all ages love Jillanna's parties. She has taught belly dance to girls & boys ages 2 and up, and is mother to two girls. She teaches two troupes for girls: Kinderbellies (up to age 6) and Mermaids (ages 6 & up). Jillanna began teaching children's classes in 2004, three years after she introduced her classes for teens and adults.
Moon Haven Studio (Ringgold, GA) is available for the party location, or Jillanna can travel to your venue or home.
In addition to private parties, Jillanna's experience also includes workshops at the Montessori World of Children; Creative Discovery Museum Camps; Club Sib (Chattanooga Autism Center); Camp Coca Cola; Girl Scouts Twilight Camp; and more... She also teaches mother/daughter, teen, and adult workshops.
Parties may include performance only or instruction, and may include both. Inclusion of henna (mehndi) and/or glitter tattoos is also an option.
If the party will be held at another location besides Moon Haven Studio, a travel fee may apply.
Jillanna teaching a mother/daughter belly dance class
Belly Dance Classes Henna Body Art Belly Dance Events About Jillanna Merrybellies Belly Dance Troupes Belly Grams & Parties Events Archive Contact
Chattanooga Children's Parties
Mermaid belly dance
Belly Dance for Children